Posts Tagged ‘birthday’

Currently, I am on a train between Haifa and Tel Aviv, Israel, while writing this post. (Writing on my phone, too; usually I’m much too old-fashioned for that, and I insist on writing on my laptop. Hooray for my adoption of technology!) In a few minutes, at least in this time zone, it will be […]

42 by 42


In a few days (on the 5th), I will be 41 years old. I never get upset about my age. It is what it is, right? Instead, I use these time-landmarks as a way to set new challenges for myself. I’ve been thinking of setting 42 goals for myself by my 42nd birthday, just about […]

Happy birthday… to ME! It’s a big one, too, as I start my 5th (!!) decade of life. While many people run the other direction from 40, I see it as an opportunity to start bigger and better projects than ever before! Over the past few weeks, I’ve been contemplating the things I’ve learned in […]

In a few short weeks, I’ll be hitting new territory–a new decade! Most people fear and dread it… I see new opportunities and challenges! I’ve done a lot of goal setting for this year, and during this year… and just as expected, sometimes things don’t turn out as planned. In fact, I think I did […]

Why a list of 39, you ask? Why… because today is my 39th birthday! 🙂 I figure I’ve been keeping this blog going long enough, and I have a small group of loyal followers (thanks, guys!), so it’s about time to let you in on a few of my inner workings. I am a native […]